Since 2006 I've written over 400 columns, first for Michael Johnston's "The Online Photographer"" and then for my monthly newsletter (send me an email if you'd like to subscribe). With Mike's gracious permission I'm gradually copying those columns to my website, accompanied by keywords.

The first 27 columns appeared on Mike's old site, which became inaccessible several years ago... even to Mike! If it weren't for the wonderful Wayback Machine, they'd have been lost forever. Still... that debacle impelled the two of us to come up with a plan that would preserve them independent of the demented notions of any blogging platform. Over time I'll keep adding to the list until all my columns are posted here.

Within the limits of my very limited css-fu, I've reproduced my columns and the readers' comments exactly as they originally appeared, save that I've stripped off most of the obsolete and superfluous links and banners to "future-proof" the code as much as possible.

A couple of notes for readers:

~ The blogging software degraded illustrations to make them fit the page format and reduce bandwidth. Most of those in-page figures link to the full-quality versions of the illustrations that go with the columns. It's worth clicking on them to get the originals.

~ Please pay attention to the comments. Mike's readership was (and still is) unusually polite and extraordinarily knowledgeable. I've no problem acknowledging that the comments (and my responses to them) are frequently more informative than my columns!

Now, without further ado...



Column 000 - Who the Heck Is... CTEIN? (July 22, 2006)
                           (autobiography, Mike Johnston, Post Exposure)                                                                                                                                                             Column 001 - Tee Corinne, Superstar of Lesbian Erotica (September 04, 2006)
                           (obituary, Tee Corinne, portrait, lesbian)

Column 002 - Pentax 67 100mm Macro Lens: Review (September 12, 2006)
                           (Pentax 67, macro, lens, 100mm, review, product test)

Column 003 - All the World's a Stage (September 24, 2006)
                           (privacy, Harlan Ellison, Connie Willis, sexual harassment, Worldcon)

Column 004 - Ctein: Pentax 67 300mm* f/4 ED(IF) Lens Review (October 06, 2006)
                           (Pentax 67, 300mm, telephoto, lens, review, product test)

Column 005 - Who's in Charge? You or the Camera? (October 12, 2006)
                           (technique, printing, composition)

Column 006 - The Seductive Tyranny of Digital Printing(October 23, 2006)
                           (digital, printing, darkroom, Ektacolor, technique)

Column 007 - Color Management--The Musical (Analogy) (November 01, 2006)
                           (digital, printing, color management, profile, technique)

Column 008 - A Brief History of Electronic Photography (November 10, 2006)
                           (digital, photograph, camera, photocopy, history)

Column 009 - Every Picture Tells a Story (November 24, 2006)
                           (book, monograph, portfolio, composition, photograph)

Column 010 - $10 Digital Camera--How Do They Do It?! (December 04, 2006)
                           (digital, camera, keychain camera, hardware, stripdown)

Column 011 - Shopping For Pixels (December 12, 2006)
                           (shopping, resolution, digital camera, performance)

Column 012 - $10 Digital Camera--How Does It Perform? (December 22, 2006)
                           (digital camera, keychain camera, performance, picture quality, product test)

Column 013 - Book Review: 'Plastic Cameras' by Michelle Bates(January 03, 2007)
                           (book, review, Michelle Bates, camera, photography)

Column 014 - My Most Unforgettable Portrait Subject (January 22, 2007)
                           (autobiography, history, photo, portrait, animal)

Column 015 - OS Obsolescence: a Rant (January 14, 2007)
                           (software, rant, obsolescence, commentary)

Column 016 - Demythologizing Photoshopping--Six Insights (February 03, 2007)
                           (Photoshop, technique, image processing)

Column 017 - The Second-Worst Photographic Mistake I Ever Made (February 13, 2007)
                           (autobiography, history, photo, portrait, Max Delbruck, Richard Feynman)

Column 018 - A Printing Mystery (February 24, 2007)
                           (printing, hardware, computer)

Column 019 - And They Call It...Scooba Loooooove (March 04, 2007)
                           (darkroom, Scooba)

Column 020 - Customer Support, Take 1 (March 13, 2007)
                           (autobiography, history, scanner, hardware, customer support)

Column 021 - Customer Support, Take 2 (March 26, 2007)
                           (film, developer, customer support)

Column 022 - Kodak Merger Announced (April 01, 2007)

Column 023 - The Worst Photographic Mistake I Ever Made (April 12, 2007)
                           (autobiography, history, Freff, clown, circus train)

Column 024 - Don't Make News (April 23, 2007)
                           (journalism, commentary)

Column 025 - Buying Digital: Too Much Shopping! (May 03, 2007)
                           (shopping, digital camera)

Column 026 - In Praise of Prokudin-Gorskii (May 17, 2007)
                           (Prokudin-Gorskii, color, photograph, history)

Column 027 - James Clerk Maxwell's Big Mistake (May 25, 2007)
                           (color, photograph, history, James Maxwell)

Column 028 - Photography in the Metaverse (June 08, 2007)
                           (software, VR, Photosynth)

Column 029 - 'Within the Stone': The Backstory (June 16, 2007)
                           (book, review, color, Bill Atkinson)

Column 030 - Picks and Nits in the Digital Age (July 2, 2007)
                           (digital camera, review)

Column 031 - Picks and Nits in the Digital Age, Part 2 (July 7, 2007)
                           (digital photography, technique, storage)

Column 032 - Nits and Picks in the Digital Age -- The Final Chapter (July 14, 2007)
                           (digital photography, data recovery, review, technique)

Column 033 - 'All Your System Are Belong To Us' (July 23, 2007)
                           (autobiography, humor, Windows, hacking)

Column 034 - Channeling David Vestal (August 2, 2007)
                           (rant, technique, equipment, commentary)

Column 035 - How To Improve Digital Print Tonality (August 12, 2007)
                           (Bill Atkinson, digital printing, technique, Photoshop)

Column 036 - Size Matters (August 23, 2007)
                           (digital printing, printer, equipment, technique)

Column 037 - Sampling Isn't Simple (September 1, 2007)
                           (science, digital photography, scanning)

Column 038 - All Pixels are Not Created Equal (September 11, 2007)
                           (science, digital photography)

Column 039 - Ctein is One - by Mike Johnston (September 11, 2007)
                           (autobiography, Mike Johnston, writing, Ctein)

Column 040 - The Bar Also Rises (September 21, 2007)
                           (film, digital photography, resolution)

Column 041 - Speedy Spotting With Photoshop (October 7, 2007)
                           (Photoshop, technique, spotting, retouching)

Column 042 - I Am The Camera...Or Is It The Other Way Around? (October 12, 2007)
                           (technique, photography, color, B&W)

Column 043 - Perseverence (October 15, 2007)
                           (film, photography, 35mm, B&W, David Dyer-Bennet, DD-B)

Column 044 - A Proposal To Redefine Digital ISO (October 31, 2007)
                           (digital photography, ISO, technique, exposure)

Column 045 - Stifling Your Inner Yahoo (November 10, 2007)
                           (commentary, aesthetics)

Column 046 - The Photo-Fetishist League (November 20, 2007)
                           (commentary, humor)

Column 047 - Cliche (December 6, 2007)
                           (photography, aesthetics, B&W, color)

Column 048 - Holiday Lights Worth Seeking Out (December 16, 2007)
                           (night photography, color, Christmas, technique)

Column 049 - Keeping the 'X' in 'Xmas' (December 22, 2007)
                           (Xmas, science, physics, quantum mechanics, religion, theology, fraud)

Column 050 - More Keychain Madness (January 9, 2008)
                           (Keychain camera, digital, Photoshop, technique, review, humor)

Column 051 - Good Press, Bad Press (January 13, 2008)
                           (commentary, marketing, Kodak, Fred Picker)

Column 052 - MacBook Air-A Traveling Photographer Assessment (January 18, 2008)
                           (review, Macbook, Apple)

Column 053 - So, What's In Your (Digital) Wallet? (February 3, 2008)
                           (technique, storage, digital photography)

Column 054 - Polaroid Made Me The Photographer I Am Today (February 14, 2008)
                           (autobiography, film photography, Polaroid, color, B&W)

Column 055 - It's Bigger, But Is It Better? Photoshop Bicubic vs. Genuine Fractals
                    vs. BlowUp (February 26, 2008)
                     (digital photography, software, Photoshop, technique, review,
                        Genuine Fractals, BlowUp)

Column 056 - It's Bigger, But Is It Better? Part II (March 1, 2008)
                     (digital photography, software, Photoshop, technique, review,
                        Genuine Fractals, BlowUp)

Column 057 - It's Bigger, But Is It Better? Part III (March 4, 2008)
                     (digital photography, software, Photoshop, technique, review,
                        Genuine Fractals, BlowUp)

Column 058 - Remembrance Of Things--Part 1 (March 22, 2008)
                            (Tee Corinne, archiving, Bridge)

Column 059 - The Shape Of Things That Came :A Reverse-Engineered History
                   of the Camera Business (April 1, 2008)
                           (history, business, cameras)

Column 060 - Adding Up - by Mike Johnston (April 2, 2008)
                           (Ctein, autobiography, Mike Johnston)

Column 061 - Remembrance Of Things--Part 2 (April 13, 2008)
                           (Tee Corinne, archiving, Bridge)

Column 062 - Rangefinder Follies (April 21, 2008)
                           (rangefinder, camera, vision, technique)

Column 063 - It's a Vision Thing (May 2, 2008)
                           (vision, prints, photography)

Column 064 - Speeding up Photoshop with an External Drive (May 12, 2008)
                           (hardware, Photoshop, hard drives, review, performance,
                          eSATA, FireWire, USB, Other World Computing)

Column 065 - How Not To Present Your Work Online (May 22, 2008)
                           (business, commentary, web design)

Column 066 - Photoshop Elements 6--It's Not Just for Kids Anymore (June 1, 2008)
                           (Photoshop Elements, software, review)

Column 067 - JPEG...Seriously? (June 28, 2008)
                           (digital photography, technique, RAW, JPEG)

Column 068 - Lazy ? Does Not Compute! (June 22, 2008)
                           (commentary, technique)

Column 069 - Go Where You Wanna Go, Do What You Wanna Do (July 3, 2008)
                           (business, photography, law)

Column 070 - It's Still a Vision Thing (July 14, 2008)
                           (vision, science)

Column 071 - Payola (July 22, 2008)
                           (business, magazines)

Column 072 - Saints, Scoundrels, the Separation of Church and State,
                      and the Balance of Terror (July 29, 2008)
                           (business, magazines)

Column 073 - Migration Route (August 13, 2008)
                           (hardware, computers, hard drives, review, technique )

Column 074 - Fujifilm Finepix S100FS Review, Part 1 (August 26, 2008)
                           (digital camera, review, Fujifilm, Finepix S100FS, Nikon, D200, David Dyer-Bennet, DD-B)

Column 075 - Fujifilm Finepix S100FS Review, Part 2 (August 28, 2008)
                           (digital camera, review, Fujifilm, Finepix S100FS, Nikon, D200, David Dyer-Bennet, DD-B)

Column 076 - Fujifilm Finepix S100FS Review, Part 3 (September 4, 2008)
                           (digital camera, review, Fujifilm, Finepix S100FS)

Column 077 - A Proposal for an Investment Strategy (September 18, 2008)
                           (humor, business, commentary)

Column 078 - Still Crazy (And Making Dye Transfer Prints) After All These Years
                     (October 9, 2008)
                           (technique, darkroom, dye transfer)

Column 079 - Ctein Dye Transfer Print (October 9, 2008)
                           (print sale, dye transfer, Mike Johnston)

Column 080 - Don't Forget (October 17, 2008)
                           (print sale, dye transfer, Mike Johnston)

Column 081 - Message (and a Request) from Ctein (October 20, 2008)
                           (print sale, dye transfer, Mike Johnston)

Column 082 - Volunteers of the World (October 23, 2008)
                           (print sale, dye transfer, Mike Johnston)

Column 083 - High Pass Sharpening with Layers (October 27, 2008)
                           (Photoshop, layers, sharpening, technique)

Column 084 - Diffraction--Quantum Weirdness in Your Very Own Home
                     (November 7, 2008)
                           (diffraction, science, physics, quantum mechanics)

Column 085 - Diffraction In Perspective (November 15, 2008)
                           (diffraction, science, physics, optics)

Column 086 - Data Mining for Dummies (November 23, 2008)
                           (reviews, science, optics)

Column 087 - What I (and You) Don't Know--Part 1 (December 5, 2008)
                           (books, Laurie Edison, nudes, sensors, resolution)

Column 088 - What I (and You) Don't Know--Part 2 (December 14, 2008)
                           (optics, books, science)

Column 089 - Ctein Dye Transfer Update (December 5, 2008)
                           (print sale, dye transfer, Mike Johnston)

Column 090 - (Still) Keeping the 'X' in 'Xmas' (December 21, 2008)
                           (Xmas, science, technology, digital cameras, optics)

Column 091 - Savvy Shopping (January 1, 2009)
                           (shopping, digital cameras)

Column 092 - Dye Transfer Print Offer Update (January 6, 2009)
                           (dye transfer, print sale)

Column 093 - More Savvy Shopping (January 11, 2009)
                           (shopping, digital cameras)

Column 094 - Maximum Photoshop Performance (January 24, 2009)
                           (Photoshop, hardware, hard drives, performance, Other World Computing)

Column 095 - What I Learned While Printing (January 30, 2009)
                           (dye transfer, Kodak, print sale, technique)

Column 096 - Why 80 Megapixels Just Won't Be Enough... (February 11, 2009)
                           (digital cameras, technology, vision, resolution)

Column 097 - Great Expectations (February 21, 2009)
                           (film photography, digital photography, grain, exposure range)

Column 098 - 1000 Photographic Fans...Maybe? (March 7, 2009)
                           (business, fans)

Column 099 - Does Ctein Have 100 'True Fans'? (March 13, 2009)
                           (business, true fans, Ctein)

Column 100 - Shapes of Some Things Long to Come (March 23, 2009)
                           (science, optics, physics, digital cameras)

Column 101 - Transition State (April 4, 2009)
                           (Ctein, autobiography, film photography, digital photography)

Column 102 - A Very Grand Democracy (April 12, 2009)
                           (astronomy, science, sensors, digital photography, astrophotography)

Column 103 - Fitting a Pint in a 12-Ounce Can (April 27. 2009)
                           (technique, digital photography, printing, Photoshop)

Column 104 - Mysterious Photoshop Blending Modes (May 7, 2009)
                           (Photoshop, technique, layers, blending modes)

Column 105 - Noise Is Your Friend (May 10, 2009)
                           (science, physics, noise, digital photography)

Column 106 - Danger, Danger, Will Robinson! (May 22, 2009)
                           (software, photography, aesthetics)

Column 107 - "Photoshop CS3 RAW" & "Photoshop Lightroom 2 Adventure"
                          by Mikkel Aaland (June 8, 2009)
                           (books, review, Mikkel Aaland, Photoshop, Lightroom, technique)

Column 108 - Column 100: Looking Forward, Backward, and Sideways (June 15, 2009)
                          (Ctein, science, digital photography, business)

Column 109 - Depth of Field Hell--The Sequel (June 23, 2009)
                           (photography, depth of field, optics, science)

Column 110 - Photographing a Supernova (July 6, 2009)
                           (science, photography, astronomy, astrophotography, supernova)

Column 111 - Reality Is Not Arithmetic (July 15, 2009)
                           (commentary, rant)

Column 112 - Picture Postcards?!? (July 23, 2009)
                           (science, physics)

Column 113 - Polychrome...(it gives us such nice, bright colors) (August 13, 2009)
                           (color, digital photography, autobiography, Montreal)

Column 114 - Polychrome II (August 21, 2009)
                           (color, digital photography, autobiography, Montreal)

Column 115 - OT: Self-Incrimination (September 1, 2009)
                           (birds, parrots, Elmo, science, intelligence, autobiography, parrots)

Column 116 - On Topic (Really!): Parrotspeak / Parrotvision (September 12, 2009)
                           (parrots, Elmo, vision, science, language)

Column 117 - Tips for Finding '1000 True Fans' (September 24, 2009)
                           (business, Ctein, true fans)

Column 118 - How Long Is a Lifetime? (September 30, 2009)
                           (cameras, photography, commentary)

Column 119 - Film for a Lifetime (October 13, 2009)
                           (film, photography, commentary)

Column 120 - High ISO High Noon (October 16, 2009)
                           (ISO, photography, technique)

Column 121 - Settling Down...or Not, as the Case May Be (October 26, 2009)
                           (autobiography, photography,commentary, camera)

Column 122 - OT: Weird Adventures in A.I.* (November 1, 2009)
                           (autobiography, intelligence, parrots)

Column 123 - Here Comes the Sun (November 17, 2009)
                           (photography, astrophotography, sun, telescope, Coronado, review)

Column 124 - Solar Photography with a Coronado PST (November 29, 2009)
                           (photography, astrophotography, sun, telescope, review, technique,
                           Photoshop, solar photography, Olympus, m4/3)

Column 125 - Taking Small Format Seriously (December 6, 2009)
                           (photography, cameras, technique, Olympus, m4/3)

Column 126 - I Hate Shopping! (December 13, 2009)
                           (shopping, cars, cameras)

Column 127 - Seasonal Art (December 21, 2009)
                           (Christmas, commentary, photography)

Column 128 - How Sharp Is Your Printer? How Sharp Are Your Eyes?
                           (vision, printers, resolution, sharpness)

Column 129 - So, What About Kodak? (January 9, 2010)
                           (Kodak, commentary, history, business)

Column 130 - The Dark Cloud of Collecting... (January 23, 2010)
                           (business, art, commentary, collecting)

Column 131 - Focusing Follies (January 31, 2010)
                           (cameras, rangefinders, focus)

Column 132 - Three Days Left! (February 1, 2010)
                           (Mike Johnston, print sale, dye transfer)

Column 133 - The Final Hour (February 3, 2010)
                           (Mike Johnston, print sale, dye transfer)

Column 134 - Why Is It (Not) Art? (February 11, 2010)
                           (commentary, art)

Column 135 - Ctein: 'I Quit' (February 18, 2010)
                           (film, digital photography, autobiography)

Column 136 - What Can't Digital Do for Me? (February 25, 2010)
                           (film, digital, film vs. digital, photography)

Column 137 - The Printer / Photoshop / Snow Leopard Hell (March 4, 2010)
                           (printing, technique, color management, Mac OS, Snow Leopard)

Column 138 - What Tests Don't Tell You (March 11, 2010)
                           (science, testing, resolution, sharpness, optics)

Column 139 - Supporting 1000 True Fans (March 18, 2010)
                           (business, Ctein, true fans)

Column 140 - Artists Ain't Saints: Jim Marshall, 1936-2010 (March 24, 2010)
                           (Jim Marshall, obituary, autobiography, rock)

Column 141 - Oddities of Image Stabilization (April 1, 2010)
                           (technique, sharpness, digital cameras, image stabilization, Olympus, m4/3, m4/3)

Column 142 - Statistics, Damned Statistics, and the 'Visio Populi' (April 8, 2010)
                           (business, Ctein, fans)

Column 143 - Of Verbs and Trademarks (April 15, 2010)
                           (business, trademarks, law, intellectual property)

Column 144 - How Not to Get Your Product Reviewed (April 22, 2010)
                           (business, review, VMware, commentary)

Column 145 - They're Selling Us Crap Paper (April 29, 2010)
                           (digital, printing, paper, quality control, Harman)

Column 146 - Animal Language (May 6, 2010)
                           (autobiography, intelligence, parrots, Elmo, language)

Column 147 - More On Print(er) Sharpness (May 13, 2010)
                           (printing, printers, digital, sharpness, tests)

Column 148 - Returning to Hell: Color Management and Snow Leopard (May 20, 2010)
                           (printing, technique, color management, Mac OS, Snow Leopard)

Column 149 - Do 'Real' Photographers Print? (May 27, 2010)
                           (printing, commentary, photography)

Column 150 - Custom Printing and Artistic Ownership (June 3, 2010)
                           (custom printing, commentary, photography)

Column 151 - The Importance (or Not) of the Print(ing) (June 10, 2010)
                           (custom printing, technique)

Column 152 - Can You Get Good ISO 6400 from an Olympus E-P1? (June 17, 2010)
                           (Olympus, E-P1, RAW, JPEG, Photoshop, technique)

Column 153 - Digital Restoration (June 24, 2010)
                           (Digital Restoration, book, Mike Johnston, Ctein, review)

Column 154 - The Ever-Shrinking Tripod (June 24, 2010)
                           (tripods, photography, technique)

Column 155 - It's Never Too Early to Start Planning for an Eclipse (July 1, 2010)
                           (photography, technique, astronomy, eclipse)

Column 156 - Darkening the Darkroom (July 8, 2010)

Column 157 - Why I Needed an iPad (and You Might Not) (July 15, 2010)
                           (iPad, review, displays, MacBook, Photoshop)

Column 158 - 'Digital Restoration' on Sale (July 18, 2010)
                           (Digital Restoration, book, Mike Johnston, Ctein, sale)

Column 159 - Your Scanner Needs Cleaning! (July 29, 2010)
                           (scanners, repairs)

Column 160 - Postscripts (August 5, 2010)
                           (color management, Mac OS, Snow Leopard, profiles, Photoshop,
                          paper, digital printing, quality control)

Column 161 - The Lens is Not More Important Than the Camera
                           (lens, camera, equipment, quality control)

Column 162 - How I Learned Not to Trust Camera Bodies (August 19, 2010)
                           (lens, camera, equipment, quality control, Pentax, 50mm, Canonet, GIII QL 17)

Column 163 - Planned Obsolescence (August 26, 2010)
                           (Epson, digital printers, R2400, ink, repairs)

Column 164 - Themes--Preconceived, Ad Hoc, And Post Hoc (September 2, 2010)
                           (monographs, publishing, art, photography, books)

Column 165 - How To Make A Chapbook (Part I) (September 9, 2010)
                           (monographs, publishing, art, photography, books, chapbooks)

Column 166 - How To Make A Chapbook (Part II) (September 16, 2010)
                           (monographs, publishing, art, photography, books, chapbooks)

Column 167 - Plus ca change (September 23, 2010)
                           (digital photography, technique, Ctein, autobiography)

Column 168 - Keeping 1000 True Fans (September 30, 2010)
                           (business, Ctein, true fans)

Column 169 - A Perfunctory Guide to Converting Photographic Film
                          to Digital Prints, Part I (October 7, 2010)
                           (film, digital, scanning, digital printing, scanners, technique)

Column 170 - Ctein in Minneapolis (October 8, 2010)
                           (Ctein, Mike Johnston, Minneapolis, show, lecture)

Column 171 - A Perfunctory Guide to Converting Photographic Film
                          to Digital Prints, Part II (October 14, 2010)
                           (film, digital, scanning, digital printing, scanners, technique)

Column 172 - A Perfunctory Guide to Converting Photographic Film
                          to Digital Prints, Part III (October 14, 2010)
                           (film, digital, scanning, digital printing, scanners, technique, Photoshop,
                          monitors,profiles, ContrastMaster)

Column 173 - Stochastic Photography (October 28, 2010)
                           (digital photography, stochastic, technique, waterfalls)

Column 174 - Photoshop Performance: The Saga Continues (November 4, 2010)
                           (Photoshop, performance, hard drives, external drives, Other World Computing)

Column 175 - Photoshop CS5: A Simple Desultory Philippic (November 11, 2010)
                           (commentary, Photoshop, CS5, MacOS, test, review)

Column 176 - It's Just How I Work (November 18, 2010)
                           (technique, stochastic, photography, waterfalls)

Column 177 - How to Make a Good Proof Sheet (November 26, 2010)
                           (technique, proof sheet, film, digital, Photoshop)

Column 178 - 'Book' Review: 'Making Sharp Images' by Lloyd Chambers
                          (December 2, 2010)
                           (book, review, sharpness, technique, Lloyd Chambers)

Column 179 - Computer Product Tests (December 8, 2010)
                           (tests, reviews, performance, hard drives, USB, Other World Computing)

Column 180 - Leasing Knowledge (December 15, 2010)
                           (commentary, intellectual property, Lloyd Chambers)

Column 181 - The 'Solstice Eclipse' (December 20, 2010)
                           (lunar, eclipse, technique, astrophotography, moon)

Column 182 - Post-Eclipse Report (December 21, 2010)
                           (lunar, eclipse, technique, astrophotography, moon, Olympus, m4/3)

Column 183 - The Unseen World (December 22, 2010)
                           (physics, science, dark matter, astronomy)

Column 184 - The Unseen Universe Gets Much Weirder (Very OT!) (December 29, 2010)
                           (astronomy, physics, science, dark energy)

Column 185 - Apples vs. Apples (January 5, 2011)
                           (MacBook Pro, iMac, shopping. monitors)

Column 186 - Looking to the Past for the Future of Camera Prices (January 12, 2011)
                           (commentary, economics, history, cameras)

Column 187 - How To Make A Tablet-Based View Camera (January 19, 2011)
                           (iPad, View Camera, technology, computational photography)

Column 188 - How to Make a Small Fortune in the Art Business (January 26, 2011)
                           (Jim Marshall, dye transfers, Guernseys, insurance, business, auction)

Column 189 - Some Updates on My Photoshop CS5 Mac Problems (February 2, 2011)
                           (Photoshop, CS5, MacOS)

Column 190 - It Doesn't Matter How You Get There If You Don't Know Where
                           You're Going (February 9, 2011)
                           (color, B&W, night photography, digital, Photoshop, technique)

Column 191 - How to Display Inkjet Prints (February 16, 2011)
                           (digital, prints, inkjet, archival, display, permanence)

Column 192 - We're All Gonna Die! (February 23, 2011)
                           (photography, autobiography, collections, death)

Column 193 - Why My Gigabyte Film Scans Might Not Be Good Enough (March 2, 2011)
                           (film, scanning)

Column 194 - Blog Notes: Hyperlinks Are Our Friends! (March 9, 2011)
                           (web design)

Column 195 - Photography at the Speed of Light (March 16, 2011)
                           (science, digital cameras, sensors, ISO)

Column 196 - Why I'm Getting an iPad 2 (March 23, 2011)
                           (iPad, displays, monitors, MacBook Pro)

Column 197 - Metamaterials and Photonic Crystals (March 30, 2011)
                           (optics, science, physics, metamerials)

Column 198 - My Favorite Web Comics (OT) (April 6, 2011)
                           (comics, web comics, reviews)

Column 199 - Why I Love My Epson 3880 (April 20, 2011)
                           (Epson, 3880, printer, review)

Column 200 - Something Old and Something New (Aptil 27, 2011)
                           (books, Post Exposure, physics, ISO, speed)

Column 201 - The Perfect Computer Costs $5,000 (or More) (May 4, 2011)
                           (computers, shopping, Macs, SSDs)

Column 202 - No One Cares How Hard You Worked (May 11, 2011)
                           (art, technique, autobiography, Ctein, Bob Nadler, Camera 35, Apollo)

Column 203 - Restoring Photos Seminar (May 17, 2011)
                           (Ctein, photo restoration, workshop, Mike Johnston)

Column 204 - iPad View Cameras, Pathetic Print Papers, and Boxes! (May 18, 2011)
                           (iPad, view camera, paper, boxes, shipping, Hahnemuhle, Harman)

Column 205 - Virtuous Technique (May 25, 2011)
                           (commentary, technique, JPEG, RAW)

Column 206 - How Invention Works (June 1, 2011)
                           (CCD, history, autobiography, Willlard Boyle)

Column 207 - Securing Your Film Photography Future (June 08, 2011)
                           (film, shopping)

Column 208 - Ephemera (June 15, 2011)
                           (photographs, preservation, archiving)

Column 209 - Minority Report (June 22, 2011)
                           (business, film sales, history)

Column 210 - Ctein RetouchPRO Redux (July 7, 2011)
                           (Ctein, workshop, video, restoration, Mike Johnston)

Column 211 - Fixer Doesn't Sink (July 13, 2011)
                           (darkroom, fixer, chemistry, Fred Picker)

Column 212 - Your Computer Needs Cleaning! (July 20, 2011)
                           (computer, cleaning, maintenance)

Column 213 - Audio O.T.: From Vinyl to Virtual -- Part I (July 27, 2011)
                           (vinyl, records, music, transcription, copyright, Audacity)

Column 214 - Audio O.T.: From Vinyl to Virtual -- Part II (August 8, 2011)
                           (vinyl, records, music, transcription, copyright, Audition)

Column 215 - Introduction to Digital Printing (August 10, 2011)
                           (technique, digital printing, printers, Wilhelm)

Column 216 - Ctein's 200th Column: Reality is Overrated (OT) (August 17, 2011)
                           (physics, science, quantum mechanics, entanglement, John Bell,
                           Bell Inequality, reality, philosophy)

Column 217 - Summer Print Offer: Ctein's Big Digital Print Sale (August 28, 2011)
                           (Ctein, print sale, digital prints, Mike Johnston)

Column 218 - Will the Sony NEX-7 Suffer Diffraction Effects? (August 30, 2011)
                           (Sony, NEX-7, optics, diffraction, sharpness)

Column 219 - To Talk of Many Things: Of Digital and Dye Transfer Prints
                           (August 31, 2011)
                           (dye transfer, digital prints)

Column 220 - Nobody Cares How Hard I Worked... But This Is Kinda Interesting
                           (September 7, 2011)
                           (digital printing, color, profiles, Epson)

Column 221 - When Good Profiles Turn Bad (September 14, 2011)
                           (digital printing, color, profiles, Epson, 3880, Photoshop)

Column 222 - Size Doesn't/Does Matter (September 21, 2011)
                           (digital photography, sensors, cameras, formats)

Column 223 - Introduction to Digital Printing Part II (September 29, 2011)
                           (digital printing, technique, printers)

Column 224 - These Are the Voyages... (Very OT) (October 6, 2011)
                           (starship, DARPA, NASA, Stewart Brand, Mae Jemison, David Neyland,
                           Pete Worden, Gerry Nordley, Charlie Stross, Joe Haldeman)

Column 225 - Lens Review: Rokinon 85mm f/1.4 Aspherical Lens
                           for Olympus 4/3(October 12, 2011)
                           (lens, review, Rokinon, 85mm, aspherical, Olympus, m4/3)

Column 226 - Mike and Ctein Discuss B&W-Only Sensor Implementation
                          (Digital B&W Part III) (October 13, 2011)
                           (B&W, sensor, digital camera)

Column 227 - 'Expose to the Right' is a Bunch of Bull (October 19, 2011)
                           (digital photography, exposure, technique)

Column 228 - Roller Derby! (October 26, 2011)
                           (roller derby, Chippawa Valley Roller Girls, technique, sports photography,
                           DD-B, David Dyer-Bennet, Girls on the Run, Lojo Russo, Rokinon 85mm,
                           Olympus 45mm, Neil Gaiman, Kyle Cassidy, Marilyn Krieger, Bengal Cat rescue)

Column 229 - What Artists Have a Right to Expect (November 2, 2011)
                           (art, artists, criticism, commentary)

Column 230 - The Not-So-Slippery-Slope of Piracy (November 9, 2011)
                           (copyright, piracy, ethics, commentary)

Column 231 - Time for a Poll (November 9, 2011)
                           (Ctein, Mike Johnston, reader poll)

Column 232 - M. Zuiko Digital ED 45mm f/1.8 Lens: Review (November 16, 2011)
                           (Olympus, 45mm, f/1.8, lens, product test, review)

Column 233 - Olympus M. Zuiko Digital ED 12mm f/2 Lens: Review
                          (November 23, 2011)
                           (Olympus, 12mm, f/2, lens, product test, review)

Column 234 - How to Review (or Buy) a Lens (or Camera) (November 30 2011)
                           (shopping, camera, lens)

Column 235 - Introduction to Digital Printing Part III (December 7, 2011)
                           (digital printing, color management, profiles)

Column 236 - OT: The Art of Tea (December 14, 2011)
                           (tea, shopping, TeaSource, Aroma, Imperial Tea Court, Uptons, Paio, tea infuser)

Column 237 - Burning Our Bridges (December 21, 2011)
                           (film scanning, Minolta DiMAGE Multi Pro AF-5000)

Column 238 - Where Are They? (December 28, 2011)
                           (Fermi, paradox, aliens, SETI, extraterrestrial)

Column 239 - How to 'Scan' Film with a Camera... Well (Part 1)
                          (January 4, 2012)
                           (film scanning, technique)

Column 240 - How to 'Scan' Film with a Camera... Well (Part 2)
                          (January 11, 2012)
                           (film scanning, technique, resolution)

Column 241 - Lenses are to Cameras as Applications are to Computers
                          (January 18, 2012)
                           (commentary, camera, lens, Olympus, 45mm)

Column 242 - Lens Test: Voigtlander Nokton 25mm f/0.95 for Micro 4/3
                          (January 26, 2012)
                           (lens, product test, review, Nokton, 25mm, f/0.95)

Column 243 - OT: The Art of Tea (for Two)...Pu Erhs (February 1, 2012)
                           (tea, shopping, TeaSource, Imperial Tea Court, pu ehr, Roy Fong)

Column 244 - PX PLZ (February 9, 2012)
                           (commentary, photos, museum, Pier 24)

Column 245 - Myths About Megapixels (...And, Does the D800 Have Too Many?)
                          (February 15, 2012)
                           (digital, cameras, sensors)

Column 246 - North American Solar Eclipse Coming May 20, 2012 (February 22, 2012)
                           (photography, technique, solar eclipse, solar photography)

Column 247 - More Planned Obsolescence: Evil Lion (February 29, 2012)
                           (commentary, computers, software, obsolescence, MacOS, Snow Leopard)

Column 248 - OT: Xmas and Parrots (March 7, 2012)
                           (parrots, autobiography, Ctein, Xmas, carnivores)

Column 249 - JPEGophobia (March 14, 2012)
                           (digital photography. RAW, JPEG, technique, commentary)

Column 250 - Does Photofinishing Have a Future? (March 21, 2012)
                           (commentary, business, photofinishing, digital printing)

Column 251 - The 2012 iPad, Part I: A Distinct Step Upwards (March 28, 2012)
                           (iPad, review, product test)

Column 252 - The 2012 iPad, Part II: Bigger Display, Better Camera (April 4, 2012)
                           (iPad, review, product test, camera, display, digital photography)

Column 253 - OT: From VHS to Virtual (Partly) (April 11, 2012)
                           (VHS, videotape, DVHS, autobiography)

Column 254 - End Game (April 18, 2012)
                           (darkroom, autobiography, dye transfer)

Column 255 - The And Now For Something Completely Different Print Offer
                          (April 23, 2012)
                           (print sale, digital print, m4/3, Bay Bridge)

Column 256 - The $19.95 Micro 4/3 Print Offer (April 25, 2012)
                           (Mike Johnston, Ctein, print sale, digital print, m4/3, Bay Bridge)

Column 257 - How I Made the $19.95 Print (April 27, 2012)
                           (print sale, digital print, m4/3, Photoshop, masking, technique, Topaz Lab,
                          DeNoise, ContrastMaster, sharpening, InFocus)

Column 258 - Art is a Popularity Contest, Not a Democracy (May 9, 2012)
                           (commentary, art)

Column 259 - What Does It Take to Be a Good Printer? (May 17, 2012)
                           (digital printing, art, technique, Photoshop, ContrastMaster, InFocus, Topaz Labs)

Column 260 - O.T.: Five Books that Will Drive You to Think (May 23, 2012)
                           (books, reviews, Beyond Fear, Bruce Schneier, God's Mechanics, Guy Consolmagno
                          Whipping Girl, Julia Serano, Olivia Judson, Dr. Tatiana's Sex Advice, The Fortunate Fall
                           Raphael Carter)

Column 261 - Printing for Ronny (June 6, 2012)
                           (autobiography, Ctein, dye transfer, digital printing, Ronny Schwartz,
                          Bernard Lee Schwartz, Ann Jenner, Lord Mountbatten)

Column 262 - 'Done Done Done Done Done Done Done!' (June 7, 2012)
                           (Ctein, print sale, Mike Johnston, digital printing, Bay Bridge, m4/3)

Column 263 - The Inconstant Eye (June 13, 2012)
                           (vision, science, solar eclipse, Coronado)

Column 264 - Product Variability, Part I (June 20, 2012)
                           (digital printing, Epson, 3880, quality control, product test)

Column 265 - Epson Printers Investigated (Product Variability Part II) (July 6, 2012)
                           (digital printing, Epson, 3880, quality control, product test)

Column 266 - I Am NOT Saying the Fuji X-Pro1 Sucks... (July 11, 2012)
                           (Fuji, review, X-Pro1, digital camera)

Column 267 - We Cry Wolf: And This Time, There Is a Wolf (July 17, 2012)
                           (Mike Johnston, Ctein, autobiography, dye transfer, darkroom, print sale)

Column 268 - Photons? Who Needs Photons?! (July 18, 2012)
                           (Fuji, review, X-Pro1, digital camera, astrophotography, night photography,

Column 269 - Memories Are Made of These (July 25, 2012)
                           (Fuji, review, X-Pro1, digital camera, astrophotography, night photography,
                           commentary, autobiography)

Column 270 - Ctein Does Not Have 1000 True Fans (August 1, 2012)
                           (Ctein, business, true fans)

Column 271 - Lord High Executioner (August 8, 2012)
                           (stochastic photography, Photoshop, content-aware healing)

Column 272 - Zooms vs. Primes, Part I (August 13, 2012)
                           (lens, tests, comparison, zooms, primes, 14-42mm, Olympus, 20mm, Panasonic, Lumix
                          45mm, 45-200mm, 85mm, Rokinon)

Column 273 - Zooms vs. Primes, Part II (August 24, 2012)
                           (lens, tests, comparison, zooms, primes, 14-42mm, Olympus, 20mm, Panasonic, Lumix
                          45mm, 45-200mm, 85mm, Rokinon, 7-14mm, 14-35mm, 14-50mm)

Column 274 - What Do I Do With The Matrices? (August 29, 2012)
                           (dye transfer, Ctein, autobiography, matrices)

Column 275 - iPad Followup (September 5, 2012)
                           (iPad, review, camera, molecular gastronomy, Beth Friedman)

Column 276 - Dynamic Range Is Not Exposure Range! Part I (September 12, 2012)
                           (science, physics, noise, exposure range, dynamic range)

Column 277 - Dynamic Range Is Not Exposure Range! Part II (September 19, 2012)
                           (science, physics, noise, exposure range, dynamic range)

Column 278 - Why ISO Isn't ISO (September 26, 2012)
                           (ISO, digital photography, science, sensitometry)

Column 279 - Catch That Corruption Before It Catches You (October 3, 2012)
                           (archiving, digital photography, storage)

Column 280 - RAW is not Raw (October 10, 2012)
                           (RAW, digital photography, science, sensitometry)

Column 281 - What Does Your Photography Cost You? (October 17, 2012)
                           (film, digital photography, business, money)

Column 282 - The Ultimate Photoshop Enhancement: The Electra MAX 3G 960GB SSD
                          (October 24, 2012)
                           (SSD, hard drive, review, product test, Other World Computing)

Column 283 - Ohmyeffingod (October 31, 2012)
                           (colorization, history, commentary, rant)

Column 284 - Ctein in Toronto (November 3, 2012)
                           (Mike Johnston, Ctein, Toronto, travel)

Column 285 - Photo Book Touchstones (November 7, 2012)
                           (books, reviews, Ansel Adams, Richard Kauffman, Bill Atkinson,
                          Yoshikazu Shirakawa, Ian and Betty Ballantine)

Column 286 - Ctein Meetup in Toronto (November 10, 2012)
                           (Mike Johnston, Ctein, Toronto, travel)

Column 287 - Impressions of the Olympus OM-D, Part I (November 14, 2012)
                           (Olympus, E-M5, digital camera, review, product test)

Column 288 - Impressions of the Olympus OM-D, Part II (November 10, 2012)
                           (Olympus, E-M5, digital camera, review, product test)

Column 289 - How to Make Sharp Photographs (November 28, 2012)
                           (technique, sharpness tripods)

Column 290 - OT: Graphic Novels and Series (December 5, 2012)
                           (books, comics, reviews)

Column 291 - OT: Teas, Please! (December 12, 2012)
                           (tea, TeaSource, Aroma, dark tea, pu ehr)

Column 292 - OT: Tea and Placebos (December 19, 2012)

Column 293 - NOT Off-topic: Mathematics vs. Science (January 2, 2013)
                           (science, photography)

Column 294 - A Holiday Photo Puzzle (January 9, 2013)
                           (Ctein, technique, sharpness)

Column 295 - Experiments are Hard (January 16, 2013)
                           (science, commentary, technique, sharpness)

Column 296 - 'Never Grow Old, Never Ever Die Young' (January 23, 2013)
                           (Ctein, commentary, autobiography, Bob Cameron)

Column 297 - Professional Criticism (January 30, 2013)
                           (Ctein, commentary, review, criticism, business)

Column 298 - Superfocus vs. Presbyopia Man (February 6, 2013)
                           (Ctein, autobiography, presbyopia, myopia, hyperopia, vision, Superfocus, glasses)

Column 299 - Heads Up: The Scoop (February 10, 2013)
                           (Ctein, Mike Johnston, dye transfer, print sale)

Column 300 - Odds 'n' Ends (February 13, 2013)
                           (Harmon, Canson, Ilford, paper, product test, iPad, SSD, hard drive
                          performance, Superfocus)

Column 301 - Getting Back In to Get Out (February 20, 2013)
                           (Ctein, autobiography, darkroom, dye transfer, print sale)

Column 302 - What a Journalist Is Obliged to Do (February 27, 2013)
                           (commentary, ethics, journalistm)

Column 303 - The Return of SuperFocus vs. Presbyopia Man (March 6, 2013)
                           (Ctein, autobiography, presbyopia, myopia, hyperopia, vision, Superfocus
                          glasses, review, Flying Karamazov Brothers)

Column 304 - The Last Dye Sale: Date Certain (March 11, 2013)
                           (Ctein, dye transfer, print sale, Mike Johnston)

Column 305 - Why I Bought Bigger Memory Cards (March 14, 2013)
                           (Ctein, autobiography, storage, SD cards, Flying Karamazov Brothers, data loss)

Column 306 - The Theory and Practice of Lens Design and Testing (March 20, 2013)
                           (optics, lens design, vision, Ctein, autobiography, glasses, Superfocus)

Column 307 - How to Minimize Folds and Cracks in Print Scans (March 27, 2013)
                           (technique, Photoshop, photo restoration, photo repair)

Column 308 - And We Have a Number... (March 28, 2013)
                           (Ctein, dye transfer, print sale, Mike Johnston)

Column 309 - Of Photographers, Writers and Trademarks (April 3, 2013)
                           (law, trademarks, copyright)

Column 310 - The Great Last Dye Transfer Blowout Print Sale (April 17, 2013)
                           (Ctein, autobiography, dye transfer, print sale, Mike Johnston)

Column 311 - Sale has Ended (April 17, 2013)
                           (Ctein, dye transfer, print sale, Mike Johnston)

Column 312 - Tiny Update (April 18, 2013)
                           (Ctein, dye transfer, print sale, Mike Johnston)

Column 313 - Printing 'Castle Eilean Donan' (April 19, 2013)
                           (technique, dye transfer, darkroom, printing)

Column 314 - How The Print Medium Matters (April 24, 2013)
                           (technique, art, digital printing, dye transfer)

Column 315 - (OT) How Do You Build A Starship-Building Organization? (May 1, 2013)
                           (starship, DARPA, NASA, 100YSS, Mae Jemison)

Column 316 - Variations (May 8, 2013)
                           (Ctein, printing, technique, art)

Column 317 - (OT) Building A Starship-Building Organization, Part II (May 15, 2013)
                           (starship, 100YSS, Caltech, ASCIT Research Project, ARP, Joe Rhodes,
                          Clair Patterson, air pollution)

Column 318 - How Many Hours? (May 22, 2013)
                           (Ctein, autobiography, darkroom, dye transfer)

Column 319 - PSDs and Permanence (May 29, 2013)
                           (archiving, Photoshop, PSD, TIFF, technique)

Column 320 - Adobe Photoshop Creative Cloud, Part I: The Bad (June 5, 2013)
                           (Adobe, Photoshop CC, business, commentary)

Column 321 - Adobe Photoshop Creative Cloud, Part II: The Good (June 12, 2013)
                           (Adobe, Photoshop CC, business, commentary)

Column 322 - Ctein's Odds and Ends (June 19, 2013)
                           (Ctein, dye transfer, print sale, autobiography, presbyopia, SuperFocus,
                          Snow Leopard, MacOS, film scanning, )

Column 323 - Ctein Catches Up (July 3, 2013)
                           (Epson, 3880, ink, inkjet, digital printing, technique, infrared, Superfocus )

Column 324 - My IR-Converted Olympus Pen (July 10, 2013)
                           (infrared, Olympus Pen, Life Pixel, IR conversion)

Column 325 - My IR-Converted Olympus Pen II (July 19, 2013)
                           (infrared, Olympus Pen, Life Pixel, IR conversion)

Column 326 - Ctein on (Brief) Hiatus (July 24, 2013)
                           (Ctein, Mike Johnston)

Column 327 - Tea with Jon and Bill (OT) (July 31, 2013)
                           (Jon Singer, Bill Waddington, TeaSource, tea, pu ehr, dark tea)

Column 328 - Looking at Lenses in the Infra-Red (August 07, 2013)
                           (infrared, Olympus Pen, IR conversion, lenses, tests, 20mm, 14-42mm,
                          85mm, 45-200mm)

Column 329 - We Need Our Audiences (August 14, 2013)
                           (Ctein, commentary, artist, autobiography, Kathy Li)

Column 330 - The Practical Side of Depth of Field (August 21, 2013)
                           (optics, depth of field, technique)

Column 331 - My Different Modes of Seeing: A Conundrum and a Puzzle
                          (August 28, 2013)
                           (infrared, color, digital photography, Ctein, autobiography, Christopher Sanderson,
                           Michael Reichmann)

Column 332 - Bad Science vs. Good Science: A Guide for the Layperson (Part 1)
                          (September 4, 2013)
                           (good science, bad science, commentary, Liza Furr, longissimus non legi)

Column 333 - Bad Science vs. Good Science: A Guide for the Layperson (Part 2)
                          (September 12, 2013)
                           (good science, bad science, commentary)

Column 334 - Presentation, Presentation, Presentation (September 18, 2013)
                           (art, business, Flikr, Kathi Li)

Column 335 - Corrective Action (September 25, 2013)
                           (SuperFocus, ink, digital printing, Epson 3880, errata, darkroom, autobiography, Ctein)

Column 336 - The Cream Sometimes Rises (October 2, 2013)
                           (McNay Mansion, San Antonio, art, commentary)

Column 337 - I Quit...Again (October 9, 2013)
                           (darkroom, autobiography, Ctein, dye transfer, Ken Jarecke, "Face of War")

Column 338 - OT: What's New in SETI? (October 16, 2013)
                           (science, astronomy, SETI, Freeman Dyson, Drake Equation)

Column 339 - Photographing from Commercial Airplanes (October 23, 2013)
                           (Aerial photography, film, digital, technique, Photoshop, color photography)

Column 340 - Black-and-White Aerial Photography (November 1, 2013)
                           (Aerial photography, digital, technique, Photoshop, infrared)

Column 341 - Baby, It's Cold Outside (November 6, 2013)
                           (Ctein, autobiography, technique, cold-weather photography, aurora,
                           Yellowknife, Olympus)

Column 342 - In Search of a Vocabulary for Image Quality (November 13, 2013)
                           (art, photography, language)

Column 343 - OT: A Tale of Two Movies (November 20, 2013)
                           (movies, reviews, Gravity, Europa Report)

Column 344 - Apple iPad Air Review, Part 1 - Likes (November 27, 2013)
                           (iPad Air, review, Apple)

Column 345 - Apple iPad Air Review, Part 2 - Dislikes (December , 2013)
                           (iPad Air, review, Apple)

Column 346 - Two Photography Books, One Light and One Heavy (December 11, 2013)
                           (Michelle Bates, Holga, art, technique, conservation, Sylvie Penichon)

Column 347 - UPS Is Your Friend (December 18, 2013)
                           (backups, UPS, power outages)

Column 348 - What is Time? (OT) (December 27, 2013)
                           (science, physics, time, philosophy)

Column 349 - Complexity and Convergence (January 1, 2014)
                           (Apple, design, commentary)

Column 350 - About Printers (January 8, 2014)
                           (printers, digital printing, art technique commentary)

Column 351 - Fashion and Fad in Fine Photography (January 16, 2014)
                           (art, business, history, commentary)

Column 352 - Small Format Professionalism (January 29, 2014)
                           (art, commentary, technique, formats, digital photography, image quality)

Column 353 - Convergence Makes Complexity (February 5, 2014)
                           (commentary, computers, cameras, design, business)

Column 354 - Announcement: Matrix Dump! (February 6, 2014)
                           (dye transfer, matrices, Ctein, Mike Johnston, sale)

Column 355 - Blog Note, and Blanket Thanks (February 11, 2014)
                           (dye transfer, matrices, Ctein, Mike Johnston, sale)

Column 356 - Ctein's Matrix Set Sale (February 12, 2014)
                           (dye transfer, matrices, autobiography, Ctein, sale)

Column 357 - My Cold-Weather Camera Test (February 19, 2014)
                           (cold-weather photography, tests, Olympus, Minneapolis, Yellowknife)

Column 358 - On Assignment with my iPad Air (February 27, 2014)
                           (iPad, iPhoto, photography, technique, roller derby, autobiography, Ctein)

Column 359 - Ch-Ch-Changes (March 12, 2014)
                           (Ctein, Mike Johnston, John Camp, John Sandford, autobiography, writing,
                           aurora, autobiography, Ctein)

Column 360 - Matrix Sale Update (March 20, 2014)
                           (dye transfer, matrices, autobiography, Ctein, Mike Johnston, sale)

Column 361 - Ed. and Tech. Ed. Get Together (May 25, 2014)
                           (autobiography, Ctein, Mike Johnston, cameras, John Camp, Olympus, lenses, Madison)

Column 362 - Ctein in Paris (July 21, 2014)
                           (autobiography, Ctein, Paris)

Column 363 - Ctein Meetup in Paris France! (August 5, 2014)
                           (autobiography, Ctein, Paris, Mike Johnston, Franck Dewannieux)

Column 364 - Ctein Paris Meetup UPDATE (August 10, 2014)
                           (autobiography, Ctein, Paris, Mike Johnston, Franck Dewannieux)

Column 365 - More on Monkey Business (September 14, 2014)
                           (commentary, copyright, business, law, Slater, macaque, monkey)

Column 366 - October Print: 'Bird Impression' by Ctein (October 27, 2014)
                           (Mike Johnston, Ctein, print sale, digital print)

Column 367 - Print Sale Update (November 7, 2014)
                           (Mike Johnston, Ctein, print sale, digital print)

Column 368 - Ctein's Remodel Report (December 9, 2014)
                           (Ctein, print sale, digital print, studio, remodeling, autobiography)

Column 369 - Singing vs. Chatting (April 6, 2015)
                           (commentary, cameras, image quality)

Column 370 - Ctein in Situ (June 13, 2015)
                           (Mike Johnston, Ctein, print sale, digital print, autobiography, Elmo, parrot)

Column 371 - Ctein and Cliches (Visit to Ctein Part II) (June 14, 2015)
                           (Mike Johnston, Ctein, print sale, digital print, autobiography, Elmo, Parrot)

Column 372 - Ctein Camera Watch and Other Tales (June 15, 2015)
                           (John Sandford, John Camp, Saturn Run, cameras)

Column 373 - Experiment (July 26, 2015)
                           (Mike Johnston, Ctein, autobiography, editorship)

Column 374 - Are Profiles Obsolete? (July 26, 2015)
                           (color management, technique, digital printing, profiles)

Column 375 - Where Can You Buy Custom Profiles? (Jul 27, 2015)
                           (color management, technique, digital printing, profiles)

Column 376 - Thoughts for Your Sunday ~ Making a Left Turn at Albuquerque
                           (August 6, 2015)
                           (Ctein, photography, print sale, Kate Kirkwood, autobiography, B&W, color)

Column 377 - My Shiny Retina iMac (August 6, 2015)
                           (Ctein, autobiography, iMac, MacBook Pro, review)

Column 378 - Oh, Tea! (OT) (August 8, 2015)
                           (Paio, tea infuser, white tea, pu ehr)

Column 379 - Peaking Photoshop Performance (September 1, 2015)
                           (Photoshop, performance, hardware, RAM, SSD, Lloyd Chambers, iMac)

Column 380 - How Do You Fix Aliasing in High-Res Camera Photographs?
                           (September 6, 2015)
                           (digital photography, technique, software, aliasing, anti-aliasing, sensors,
                           Pascal Jappy, Ctein, autobiography)

Column 381 - Product Review: Epson SureColor P800 Printer (September 23, 2015)
                           (product test, review, Epson, SureColor, P800, color management,
                           profiles, Dave Polaschek, Andrew Rodney)

Column 382 - Photoshop vs. Printer-Managed Color Printing (October 1, 2015)
                           (Epson, SureColor, P800, color profiles, technique, digital printing,
                           Dave Polaschek, Andrew Rodney)

Column 383 - 'Saturn Run' Takes Off! (October 4, 2015)
                           (Ctein, John Sandford, John Camp, novel, book, autobiography, Saturn Run,
                           Mike Johnston)

Column 384 - What A Long Strange Trip (December 1, 2015)
                           (Ctein, John Sandford, John Camp, novel, book, autobiography, Saturn Run,
                           Mike Johnston, TOP, print sales, remodeling, John Scalzi)

Column 385 - Ctein's X-Mas: The Limits to Growth (December 25, 2015)
                           (Ctein, science, commentary, futurism)

Column 386 - Things Ctein-y (March 8, 2016)
                           (Ctein, Mike Johnston, print sale, autobiography)

Column 387 - Ctein in London (April 12, 2016)
                           (Ctein, Mike Johnston, autobiography, London, Paula Butler)

Column 388 - Getting Together With Ctein in London UK (April 20, 2016)
                           (Ctein, Mike Johnston, autobiography, London, Paula Butler, Roger Bradbury)

Column 389 - Ctein's European Tour: Latest Updates (April 24, 2016)
                           (Ctein, Mike Johnston, autobiography, London, Paris, Paula Butler, Roger Bradbury,
                           Thomas Paris)

Column 390 - Meeting the Man (May 10, 2016)
                           (Ctein, Paula Butler, autobiography, London, Roger Bradbury, John Cross,
                           Paul Parkinson, Vid Stojevic, Steve Jacob, Mike Farley)

Column 391 - Ctein Print Offer (March 6, 2019)
                           (Ctein, print sale, Mike Johnston, digital prints )

Column 392 - The Beauty of Physical Prints (March 8, 2019)
                           (Mike Johnston, commentary, digital prints, aesthetics, Ctein, print sale)

Column 393 - Ctein Prints Have Shipped (April 1, 2019)
                           (Ctein, print sale, Mike Johnston, digital prints)

Column 394 - TOP's Upcoming Dye Transfer Print Sale -- Wait, What, How? Why?!
                           (August 26, 2019)
                           (Ctein, print sale, dye transfers)

Column 395 - Topaz Labs Sharpen AI: Artificial Common Sense (September 23, 2019)
                           (software, product test, review, Topaz Labs, Sharpen AI, technique)

Column 396 - More Artificial Common Sense: Topaz Labs GigaPixel AI
                           (October 14, 2019)
                           (Topaz Labs, GigaPixel AI, product test, software, review, technique)

Column 397 - Review: Topaz Labs JPEG to RAW AI (October 21, 2019)
                           (Topaz Labs, JPEG to RAW AI, product test, software, review, technique)

Column 398 - Dye Transfer and Me: A Meandering Half-Century Journey
                           (October 28, 2019)
                           (Ctein, print sale, autobiography, dye transfer, history, Frank McLaughlin,
                           Bob Nadler, Karen Sue Geller, Phil Condax, Ronny Schwartz, Tom Rankin,
                           Jim Browning, Ray DeMoulin, Peter Moore, Jason Schneider,
                           Arthur Kramer, Unicolor, color printing )

Column 399 - Dye Transfer and Me, Part II (November 9, 2019)
                           (Ctein, print sale, autobiography, dye transfer, history, Kodak, Frank McLaughlin,

Column 400 - Dye Transfer and Me, Part III: Sweat and Tears (November 12, 2019)
                           (Ctein, print sale, autobiography, dye transfer, history, Kodak, Frank McLaughlin,
                           Petersen's Photographic, Bob Nadler, Camera 35, Terry Garey,
                           Karen Sue Geller, Paul Farber, darkroom)

Column 401 - Dye Transfer and Me, Part IV: Where Most of the Work Is
                           (November 19, 2019)
                           (Ctein, print sale, autobiography, dye transfer, history, Kodak, Frank McLaughlin,
                           Tom Rankin, Frog Prince, Bob Speck, Louis Condax, Phil Condax,
                           Frank Tartaro, color photography, technique)

Column 402 - It's Complicated! (Please Read) (November 25, 2019)
                           (Ctein, print sale, Mike Johnston, dye transfer)

Column 403 - Be Ready (November 29, 2019)
                           (Ctein, print sale, Mike Johnston, dye transfer, aesthetics)

Column 404 - Master Dye Transfer Print Sale / One Week Only (November 29, 2019)
                           (Ctein, print sale, Mike Johnston, dye transfer)

Column 405 - Fantastic First Day: Print Sale Update, the Morning After
                           (November 30, 2019)
                           (Ctein, print sale, Mike Johnston, dye transfer)

Column 406 - Dye Transfer and Me, Part V: So Many Hacks... and Finally, Money!
                           (December 1, 2019)
                           (Ctein, print sale, autobiography, dye transfer, history, Kodak, Frank McLaughlin,
                           Tom Rankin, Frog Prince, Myron, Steve Jobs, Color 2000, Tim Hall, Bob Cameron,
                           Above San Francisco, Bob Desantis, Bob Pace, Frank Tartaro )

Column 407 - The Luminous Landscape Videos (December 4, 2019)
                           (Ctein, print sale, Mike Johnston, dye transfer, technique, autobiography,
                           Michael Reichmann, Josh Reichmann)

Column 408 - LAST DAY!! (December 6, 2019)
                           (Ctein, print sale, Mike Johnston, dye transfer)

Column 409 - Dye Transfer Sale Update (March 9, 2020)
                           (Ctein, print sale, Mike Johnston, dye transfer)

Column 410 - Tesla Model X Review (OT) (March 12, 2020)
                           (Ctein, autobiography, electric car, Tesla, Model X review)

Column 411 - The Virus is a Hawk (July 17, 2020)
                           (commentary, medicine, health, Covid)

Column 412 - Print Sale Starts Later Today (February 2, 2022)
                           (Ctein, print sale, Mike Johnston, digital prints, B&W, infrared)

Column 413 - INFRARED SALE! (February 4, 2022)
                           (Ctein, print sale, Mike Johnston, digital prints, B&W, infrared)

Column 414 - Here's How I Do B&W Infrared: Part 1 (February 7, 2022)
                           (Ctein, digital prints, aesthetics, B&W, technique, infrared)

Column 415 - Here's How I Do B&W Infrared: Part 2 (February 8, 222)
                           (Ctein, digital prints, aesthetics, B&W, technique, infrared)

Column 416 - Print Sale Update / Ctein's Thoughts on Mac Studio (March 13, 2022)
                           (Ctein, Mike Johnston, print sale, commentary, Mac Studio)

Column 417 - Update on the Previous Sale (April 12, 2022)
                           (Ctein, Mike Johnston, print sale)

Column 418 - Custom Printing: Threat or Menace? (November 23, 2022)
                           (Ctein, commentary, Mike Johnston, print sales, custom printing, art,
                           business, Jim Marshall)

Column 419 - Ctein and 'Ripple Effect' (March 6, 2024)
                           (Ctein, Elmo, David Gerrold, Mike Johnston, Star Trek, Ripple Effect, book, Patreon)

Column 420 - Ctein on COVID (OT) (March 22, 2024)
                           (Ctein, commentary, health, covid, medicine, tests)

Column 421 - Back to Basics (March 29, 2024)
                           (Ctein, commentary, craft, focal length, depth of field)

35mm film
Above San Francisco
aerial photography
air pollution
Andrew Rodney
Ann Jenner
Ansel Adams
Arthur Kramer
ASCIT Research Project
bad science
Bay Bridge
Bell Inequality
Bengal Cat rescue
Bernard Lee Schwartz
Beth Friedman
Bill Atkinson
Bill Waddington
blending modes
Bob Cameron
Bob Desantis
Bob Nadler
Bob Pace
Bob Speck
Camera 35
Charlie Stross
Chippawa Valley
    Roller Girls
Christopher Sanderson
circus train
Clair Patterson
Color 2000
color printing
color photography
Connie Willis
content-aware healing
custom printing
customer support
dark matter
dark tea
data loss
data recovery
Dave Polaschek
David Gerrold
David Neyland
depth of field
digital camera(s)
digital photography
digital print(s)
digital printer(s)
digital printing
Digital Restoration
Drake Equation
dye transfer
dynamic range
electric car
"Europa Report"
exposure range
external drives
"Face of War"
film photography
film sales
film scanning
film vs. digital
Flying Karamazov
Frank McLaughlin
Frank Tartaro
Fred Picker
Finepix S100FS
Franck Dewannieux
Freeman Dyson
Frog Prince
Gerry Nordley
GigaPixel AI
Girls on the Run
good science
hard drive(s)
Harlan Ellison
Ian and Betty
image processing
image quality
    Tea Court
intellectual property
iPad Air
IR conversion
James Maxwell
Jason Schneider
Jim Browning
Jim Marshall
Joe Haldeman
Joe Rhodes
John Bell
John Camp
John Sandford
Jon Singer
John Cross
John Scalzi
Josh Reichmann
Karen Sue Geller
Kate Kirkwood
Kathy Li
Ken Jarecke
keychain camera
Kyle Cassidy
Laurie Edison
lens design
Life Pixel
Liza Furr
Lloyd Chambers
Lojo Russo
     non legi
Lord Mountbatten
Louis Condax
Mac OS
Mac Studio
Macbook (Pro)
Mae Jemison
Madison, WI
Marilyn Krieger
Max Delbruck
McNay Mansion
Michael Reichmann
Michelle Bates
Mike Farley
Mike Johnston
Mikkel Aaland
Minolta DiMAGE
Model X
molecular gastronomy
Neil Gaiman
night photography
Olympus Pen
Other World
Pascal Jappy
Paul Parkinson
Paul Farber
Paula Butler
Pentax 67
Pete Worden
Peter Moore
Phil Condax
photo repair
photo restoration
Photoshop CC
Photoshop Elements
picture quality
Pier 24
Post Exposure
power outages
print sale
product test
proof sheet
pu ehr
quality control
quantum mechanics
rangefinder (s)
Ray DeMoulin
Richard Feynman
Richard Kauffman
Ripple Effect
Robert Cameron
Ronny Schwartz
Roger Bradbury
roller derby
Roy Fong
Saturn Run
sexual harassment
Sharpen AI
Snow Leopard
solar eclipse
solar photography
sports photography
SD cards
Star Trek
Steve Jacob
Steve Jobs
Stewart Brand
Sylvie Penichon
tea infuser
Tee Corinne
Terry Garey
Thomas Paris
Tim Hall
Tom Rankin
Topaz Labs
Vid Stojevic
view camera
web comics
web design
white tea
Willlard Boyle
Yoshikazu Shirakawa

You can email me at
copyright 2024 by Ctein. All rights reserved