The first 27 columns appeared on Mike's old site, which became inaccessible several years ago... even to Mike! If it weren't for the wonderful Wayback Machine, they'd have been lost forever. Still... that debacle impelled the two of us to come up with a plan that would preserve them independent of the demented notions of any blogging platform. Over time I'll keep adding to the list until all my columns are posted here. Within the limits of my very limited css-fu, I've reproduced my columns and the readers' comments exactly as they originally appeared, save that I've stripped off most of the obsolete and superfluous links and banners to "future-proof" the code as much as possible. A couple of notes for readers: ~ The blogging software degraded illustrations to make them fit the page format and reduce bandwidth. Most of those in-page figures link to the full-quality versions of the illustrations that go with the columns. It's worth clicking on them to get the originals. ~ Please pay attention to the comments. Mike's readership was (and still is) unusually polite and extraordinarily knowledgeable. I've no problem acknowledging that the comments (and my responses to them) are frequently more informative than my columns! Now, without further ado...
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Column 000 -
Who the Heck Is... CTEIN? (July 22, 2006)
Column 002 - Pentax 67 100mm Macro Lens: Review (September 12, 2006)
Column 003 - All the World's a Stage (September 24, 2006)
Column 004 - Ctein: Pentax 67 300mm* f/4 ED(IF) Lens Review (October 06, 2006)
Column 005 - Who's in Charge? You or the Camera? (October 12, 2006)
Column 006 - The Seductive Tyranny of Digital Printing(October 23, 2006)
Column 007 - Color Management--The Musical (Analogy) (November 01, 2006)
Column 008 -
A Brief History of Electronic Photography (November 10, 2006)
Column 009 -
Every Picture Tells a Story (November 24, 2006)
Column 010 -
$10 Digital Camera--How Do They Do It?! (December 04, 2006)
Column 011 -
Shopping For Pixels (December 12, 2006)
Column 012 -
$10 Digital Camera--How Does It Perform? (December 22, 2006)
Column 013 -
Book Review: 'Plastic Cameras' by Michelle Bates(January 03, 2007)
Column 014 -
My Most Unforgettable Portrait Subject (January 22, 2007)
Column 015 -
OS Obsolescence: a Rant (January 14, 2007)
Column 016 -
Demythologizing Photoshopping--Six Insights (February 03, 2007)
Column 017 - The Second-Worst Photographic Mistake I Ever Made (February 13, 2007)
Column 018 -
A Printing Mystery (February 24, 2007)
Column 019 -
And They Call It...Scooba Loooooove (March 04, 2007)
Column 020 -
Customer Support, Take 1 (March 13, 2007)
Column 021 -
Customer Support, Take 2 (March 26, 2007)
Column 022 -
Kodak Merger Announced (April 01, 2007)
Column 023 -
The Worst Photographic Mistake I Ever Made (April 12, 2007)
Column 024 -
Don't Make News (April 23, 2007)
Column 025 -
Buying Digital: Too Much Shopping! (May 03, 2007)
Column 026 -
In Praise of Prokudin-Gorskii (May 17, 2007)
Column 027 -
James Clerk Maxwell's Big Mistake (May 25, 2007)
Column 028 -
Photography in the Metaverse (June 08, 2007)
Column 029 - 'Within the Stone': The Backstory (June 16, 2007)
Column 030 - Picks and Nits in the Digital Age (July 2, 2007)
Column 031 - Picks and Nits in the Digital Age, Part 2 (July 7, 2007)
Column 032 - Nits and Picks in the Digital Age -- The Final Chapter (July 14, 2007)
Column 033 - 'All Your System Are Belong To Us' (July 23, 2007)
Column 034 - Channeling David Vestal (August 2, 2007)
Column 035 - How To Improve Digital Print Tonality (August 12, 2007)
Column 036 - Size Matters (August 23, 2007)
Column 037 - Sampling Isn't Simple (September 1, 2007)
Column 038 - All Pixels are Not Created Equal (September 11, 2007)
Column 039 - Ctein is One - by Mike Johnston (September 11, 2007)
Column 040 - The Bar Also Rises (September 21, 2007)
Column 041 - Speedy Spotting With Photoshop (October 7, 2007)
Column 042 - I Am The Camera...Or Is It The Other Way Around? (October 12, 2007)
Column 043 - Perseverence (October 15, 2007)
Column 044 - A Proposal To Redefine Digital ISO (October 31, 2007)
Column 045 - Stifling Your Inner Yahoo (November 10, 2007)
Column 046 - The Photo-Fetishist League (November 20, 2007)
Column 047 - Cliche (December 6, 2007)
Column 048 - Holiday Lights Worth Seeking Out (December 16, 2007)
Column 049 - Keeping the 'X' in 'Xmas' (December 22, 2007)
Column 050 - More Keychain Madness (January 9, 2008)
Column 051 - Good Press, Bad Press (January 13, 2008)
Column 052 - MacBook Air-A Traveling Photographer Assessment (January 18, 2008)
Column 053 - So, What's In Your (Digital) Wallet? (February 3, 2008)
Column 054 - Polaroid Made Me The Photographer I Am Today (February 14, 2008)
Column 055 - It's Bigger, But Is It Better? Photoshop
Bicubic vs. Genuine Fractals
Column 056 - It's Bigger, But Is It Better? Part II (March 1, 2008)
Column 057 - It's Bigger, But Is It Better? Part III (March 4, 2008)
Column 058 - Remembrance Of Things--Part 1 (March 22, 2008)
Column 059 - The Shape Of Things That Came :A Reverse-Engineered History
Column 060 - Adding Up - by Mike Johnston (April 2, 2008)
Column 061 - Remembrance Of Things--Part 2 (April 13, 2008)
Column 062 - Rangefinder Follies (April 21, 2008)
Column 063 - It's a Vision Thing (May 2, 2008)
Column 064 - Speeding up Photoshop with an External Drive (May 12, 2008)
Column 065 - How Not To Present Your Work Online (May 22, 2008)
Column 066 - Photoshop Elements 6--It's Not Just for Kids Anymore (June 1, 2008)
Column 067 - JPEG...Seriously? (June 28, 2008)
Column 068 - Lazy
? Does Not Compute! (June 22, 2008)
Column 069 - Go Where You Wanna Go, Do What You Wanna Do (July 3, 2008)
Column 070 - It's Still a Vision Thing (July 14, 2008)
Column 071 - Payola (July 22, 2008)
Column 072 - Saints, Scoundrels, the Separation of Church and State,
Column 073 - Migration Route (August 13, 2008)
Column 074 - Fujifilm Finepix S100FS Review, Part 1 (August 26, 2008)
Column 075 - Fujifilm Finepix S100FS Review, Part 2 (August 28, 2008)
Column 076 - Fujifilm Finepix S100FS Review, Part 3 (September 4, 2008)
Column 077 - A Proposal for an Investment Strategy (September 18, 2008)
Column 078 -
Still Crazy (And Making Dye Transfer Prints) After All These Years
Column 079 - Ctein Dye Transfer Print (October 9, 2008)
Column 080 - Don't Forget (October 17, 2008)
Column 081 - Message (and a Request) from Ctein (October 20, 2008)
Column 082 - Volunteers of the World (October 23, 2008)
Column 083 - High Pass Sharpening with Layers (October 27, 2008)
Column 084 - Diffraction--Quantum Weirdness in Your Very Own Home
Column 085 - Diffraction In Perspective (November 15, 2008)
Column 086 - Data Mining for Dummies (November 23, 2008)
Column 087 - What I (and You) Don't Know--Part 1 (December 5, 2008)
Column 088 - What I (and You) Don't Know--Part 2 (December 14, 2008)
Column 089 - Ctein Dye Transfer Update (December 5, 2008)
Column 090 - (Still) Keeping the 'X' in 'Xmas' (December 21, 2008)
Column 091 - Savvy Shopping (January 1, 2009)
Column 092 - Dye Transfer Print Offer Update (January 6, 2009)
Column 093 - More Savvy Shopping (January 11, 2009)
Column 094 - Maximum Photoshop Performance (January 24, 2009)
Column 095 - What I Learned While Printing (January 30, 2009)
Column 096 - Why 80 Megapixels Just Won't Be Enough... (February 11, 2009)
Column 097 - Great Expectations (February 21, 2009)
Column 098 - 1000 Photographic Fans...Maybe? (March 7, 2009)
Column 099 - Does Ctein Have 100 'True Fans'? (March 13, 2009)
Column 100 - Shapes of Some Things Long to Come (March 23, 2009)
Column 101 - Transition State (April 4, 2009)
Column 102 - A Very Grand Democracy (April 12, 2009)
Column 103 - Fitting a Pint in a 12-Ounce Can (April 27. 2009)
Column 104 - Mysterious Photoshop Blending Modes (May 7, 2009)
Column 105 - Noise Is Your Friend (May 10, 2009)
Column 106 - Danger, Danger, Will Robinson! (May 22, 2009)
Column 107 - "Photoshop CS3 RAW" & "Photoshop Lightroom 2 Adventure"
Column 108 - Column 100: Looking Forward, Backward, and Sideways (June 15, 2009)
Column 109 - Depth of Field Hell--The Sequel (June 23, 2009)
Column 110 - Photographing a Supernova (July 6, 2009)
Column 111 - Reality Is Not Arithmetic (July 15, 2009)
Column 112 - Picture Postcards?!? (July 23, 2009)
Column 113 - Polychrome...(it gives us such nice, bright colors) (August 13, 2009)
Column 114 - Polychrome II (August 21, 2009)
Column 115 - OT: Self-Incrimination (September 1, 2009)
Column 116 - On Topic (Really!): Parrotspeak / Parrotvision (September 12, 2009)
Column 117 - Tips for Finding '1000 True Fans' (September 24, 2009)
Column 118 - How Long Is a Lifetime? (September 30, 2009)
Column 119 - Film for a Lifetime (October 13, 2009)
Column 120 - High ISO High Noon (October 16, 2009)
Column 121 - Settling Down...or Not, as the Case May Be (October 26, 2009)
Column 122 - OT: Weird Adventures in A.I.* (November 1, 2009)
Column 123 - Here Comes the Sun (November 17, 2009)
Column 124 - Solar Photography with a Coronado PST (November 29, 2009)
Column 125 - Taking Small Format Seriously (December 6, 2009)
Column 126 - I Hate Shopping! (December 13, 2009)
Column 127 - Seasonal Art (December 21, 2009)
Column 128 - How Sharp Is Your Printer? How Sharp Are Your Eyes?
Column 129 - So, What About Kodak? (January 9, 2010)
Column 130 - The Dark Cloud of Collecting... (January 23, 2010)
Column 131 - Focusing Follies (January 31, 2010)
Column 132 - Three Days Left! (February 1, 2010)
Column 133 - The Final Hour (February 3, 2010)
Column 134 - Why Is It (Not) Art? (February 11, 2010)
Column 135 - Ctein: 'I Quit' (February 18, 2010)
Column 136 - What Can't Digital Do for Me? (February 25, 2010)
Column 137 - The Printer / Photoshop / Snow Leopard Hell (March 4, 2010)
Column 138 - What Tests Don't Tell You (March 11, 2010)
Column 139 - Supporting 1000 True Fans (March 18, 2010)
Column 140 - Artists Ain't Saints: Jim Marshall, 1936-2010 (March 24, 2010)
Column 141 - Oddities of Image Stabilization (April 1, 2010)
Column 142 - Statistics, Damned Statistics, and the 'Visio Populi' (April 8, 2010)
Column 143 - Of Verbs and Trademarks (April 15, 2010)
Column 144 - How Not to Get Your Product Reviewed (April 22, 2010)
Column 145 - They're Selling Us Crap Paper (April 29, 2010)
Column 146 - Animal Language (May 6, 2010)
Column 147 - More On Print(er) Sharpness (May 13, 2010)
Column 148 - Returning to Hell: Color Management and Snow Leopard (May 20, 2010)
Column 149 - Do 'Real' Photographers Print? (May 27, 2010)
Column 150 - Custom Printing and Artistic Ownership (June 3, 2010)
Column 151 - The Importance (or Not) of the Print(ing) (June 10, 2010)
Column 152 - Can You Get Good ISO 6400 from an Olympus E-P1? (June 17, 2010)
Column 153 - Digital Restoration (June 24, 2010)
Column 154 - The Ever-Shrinking Tripod (June 24, 2010)
Column 155 - It's Never Too Early to Start Planning for an Eclipse (July 1, 2010)
Column 156 - Darkening the Darkroom (July 8, 2010)
Column 157 - Why I Needed an iPad (and You Might Not) (July 15, 2010)
Column 158 - 'Digital Restoration' on Sale (July 18, 2010)
Column 159 - |